+45 86 20 74 10
+45 24 28 69 05
Sigrid KolstrupThrough many years, Søren Stæhr has advised Danish and foreign companies on national and international business law issues, including particularly M&A transactions, company law, company formation and the establishment and negotiation of joint ventures involving several industries.
Søren has particular experience with advising on the structuring and organisation of national and international trade, including the choice of form of cooperation and distribution, the drafting and negotiation of all kinds of commercial contracts (among other things OEM, strategic cooperation, production and sales agreements).
Søren also has experience with advising on complex international rules in connection with, among other things, export control and bilateral and multilateral investment agreements. This assistance has often concerned aspects relating to the establishment and completion of complex project deliveries, particularly in connection with international construction contracts/turn-key projects, including, among other things, establishment of consortia, contact management and claims handling.
Finally, Søren has assisted both Danish and foreign clients in cases of a dispute-related nature and has thus gained extensive experience with preparing and conducting litigation and arbitration cases in Denmark and on an international level.
Significant cases
In the area of M&A transactions, Søren has advised a number of leading investment companies and industrial conglomerates in recent years.
Søren advises a number of industrial companies on a broad range of corporate and commercial issues on a current basis.
In connection with complex contract structures/project deliveries, Søren has more than 20 years of experience advising particularly in the wind turbine and offshore industries.
Gorrissen Federspiel 1994 -
Partner, Gorrissen Federspiel since 2005
Right of audience before the Danish Supreme Court 2021
Admitted to the Danish Bar 1998
LL.M., King's College, University of London 1995-1996
Master of Laws, Aarhus University, 1994
Søren Stæhr is recommended in Legal 500.
Co-auther of: "Getting the Deal Through - Product Liabilty Denmark", 2012 - 2022
Co-auther of: "Getting the Deal Through - Product Recall - Denmark", 2011 - 2020
Author of chapter on Denmark in " Joint Ventures in Europe", 3ed 2008. Tottel Publishing.
International Bar Association (IBA)
The Danish Association of Arbitration Law
External Professor in International Commercial Law, University of Aarhus 1997-2002
Aktieselskabet Schouw & Co.
Givesco Bakery A/S
Th. Carlsen Fonden