We advise private individuals on all private financial affairs and legal matters, including the preservation, optimisation and transfer of private wealth. In addition, we assist Family Offices with all legal aspects of their family business, including safeguarding family interests and assets.
We work with our clients to navigate and balance the issues they face, providing advice with a long-term perspective.
Our advice is based on each client’s individual circumstances and we emphasise the importance of building a close, trusting relationship with our clients.
We focus our services on identifying relevant structural and legal needs and preserving the business and private wealth for the benefit of the family. This means that challenges and risks are identified by us, understood by the client and prevented to the greatest extent possible.
Gorrissen Federspiel is a full-service law firm with leading specialists and lawyers within all areas where private individuals may need legal advice. We have the industry’s strongest international network and extensive experience in solving cross-border, often complex cases together with trusted international partners.
We have extensive experience and expertise in handling the challenges of succession planning, both between living relatives and upon death, in advising on wealth and inheritance planning, family matters and in buying and selling private assets in Denmark and/or abroad.
Our years of experience and insight mean that we can help business owners and wealthy individuals anticipate needs and complications that may otherwise be overlooked.
We facilitate the often difficult first step towards a more comprehensive assessment of the long-term strategy for wealth preservation and distribution in the event of, e.g., disability, divorce or death through close and attentive dialogue and advice.
Including tax optimisation, succession by living hand and upon death, shareholders’ agreements, pension and insurance, inheritance planning and advancements, wills, gifts and family loans.
Including holiday homes, aircraft, yachts, woodlands, estates, manors, horses and works of art.
Including divorce proceedings, estates of deceased persons and inheritance disputes and we set up and provide advice to nonprofit foundations.
Including establishment thereof, preservation of family assets and family businesses, investments and safeguarding family interests.
Including drawing up of marriage contracts, moving to or away from Denmark (including tax law issues and advice on remaining assets in Denmark/abroad) and lasting powers of attorney.