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HomeGorrissen Federspiel named “Denmark Legal Adviser of the Year” by Mergermarket

Gorrissen Federspiel named “Denmark Legal Adviser of the Year” by Mergermarket

28 November 2024

For the second year running, Gorrissen Federspiel has been recognised as Denmark’s leading legal adviser within M&A at the Mergermarket European M&A Awards.

In a market characterised by economic and political turmoil, we have maintained our position in the market by advising half of the Danish C25 companies that have been active in the M&A market over the last 12 months.

The list of transactions includes Novo Nordisk A/S with the purchase of three fill-finish sites from Catalent, Carlsberg’s acquisition of the British company Britvic plc, the listing of Svitzer Group A/S after the demerger from A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S and GN Hearing’s sale of Dansk HøreCenter to Demant A/S.

We would like to thank our clients for entrusting us with some of the most significant and complex transactions in the Danish market.

Read more about our work in M&A here

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