We assist with some of the most significant and important cases in the media and entertainment industry on a current basis. Examples of our work include assistance to JP/Politikens Hus in the case concerning a book about the Danish Security and Intelligence Service, assistance to TV2/Danmark in competition law cases and representing JP/Politikens Hus in cases involving the Danish gaming monopoly.
Our team consists of partners and attorneys with in-depth knowledge of the media and entertainment industry. The knowledge of the partners and attorneys is based on a wide range of legal matters from the handling of business transfers and cooperation contracts to specific regulatory issues and litigation.
We strive to stay updated within all areas of the media and entertainment sector. We focus particularly on being up to date on the market development. Only through knowledge of the market, the players in the market and the rapid development that erases traditional boundaries in a digitalized world, is it possible to deliver highly specialised and value-creating advice.
In recent years, the technology, media, entertainment and telecommunications businesses have undergone a significant convergence, where markets to a greater extent overlap. This increasing convergence and digitalization challenge the traditional boundaries between the areas. The new development has great practical and legal impact. Our Media & Entertainment cross-practice group works closely with the firm’s technology and telecom specialists.
We offer highly specialised advice with particular focus on market conditions and the development in the media and entertainment sector.
Meet the team
On account of the increased digitalization, the media sector has developed rapidly in recent years. The media sector covers a wide range of areas from printed media to digital media. The market development continues to move towards increased digitalization and provides more opportunities for new services. At times, the market development is ahead of the regulatory development, which requires extensive knowledge of the industry and that the adviser has access to a broad network. For instance, several new video-on-demand services have recently been introduced in Denmark providing new opportunities for streaming movies and TV via the internet to all platforms. This market development means that advisers must be on the forefront of the regulation.
We provide advice broadly across the media sector. We have conducted a number of cases concerning media content, including concerning the media liability act, freedom of speech, the libel laws and privacy protection. We also provide advice on the distribution of TV/channels, the operation of public service TV channels, the establishment of TV channels and the sale of TV rights for sports and other types of rights. Also, we have provided assistance in connection with the traditional printed media’s offering of digitalized services, and we have provided advice concerning legal issues especially associated with the offering of multi-sided platforms. We focus particularly on our relationship among the players and the authorities regulating the sector in Denmark and in the EU.
As a result of the technological development, the entertainment sector has experienced growth in recent years. A number of new entertainment services are being offered in the market today, while other services have been phased out. The music industry is a good example, in that music today is primarily handled digitally and via internet services. Another example is the gaming sector, where the new Danish gaming legislation has given online gaming providers the opportunity to offer and market their games in the Danish market. As a result of the liberalization of the gaming market, a number of new sponsor agreements have been entered into.
The use of social media, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, has also grown in recent years, bringing with it new challenges for businesses in relation to intellectual property rights, marketing and the users’ personal rights.
Gorrissen Federspiel provides assistance widely across the entertainment sector in relation to music, movies, games, social media and sports. We are conducting several cases concerning copyrights and infringements on behalf of leading film and music studios, just as we have assisted in relation to regulatory and marketing issues in connection with the establishment of gaming services. Also, we assist different players in sports law issues, e.g. in relation to issues relating to sports rights and entering into sponsor agreements, including for international cycling teams.
“The reason why Gorrissen Federspiel comes across as a really great firm is its capability to deliver and the desire to assist with input and perspective that goes beyond the immediate task at hand. The technical quality is exceptional, and I am always certain that they have a 360-degree perspective of the task, which makes me very comfortable with the output they deliver.”
Legal 500, 2020