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Bettina PaaskeHenrik Saugmandsgaard Øe joined Gorrissen Federspiel as partner of the firm after the end of his time as Danish Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union. While fulfilling this role, Henrik contributed to solving a large amount of highly important cases, among others a great number of cases before the Grand Chamber, providing him with a thorough knowledge of and experience within EU law and EU procedural law. As Advocate General, he has submitted Opinions within a broad spectrum of legal areas, including Competition law, State aid, Public procurement, Internal market law (free movement of goods, persons, services and capital), Fundamental rights, Direct taxation, VAT, Customs union, International Private law, International law, Intellectual property rights, Data protection, Agricultural and fishing regulations, Banking law and Consumer protection law.
Prior to his time as Advocate General, Henrik has had great experience working as a lawyer in commercial law. He has worked as both Head of Department in the office of Property and Obligations Law in the Ministry of Justice, acting judge at the High Court of Eastern Denmark and finally as Consumer Ombudsman, where he among other things has dealt with complex cases regarding the financial sector. Furthermore, Henrik has acted as lecturer at the University of Aarhus as well as the University of Copenhagen. Henrik has moreover been a guest lecturer at the University of Aalborg. He has published many articles and given a large number of lectures at different universities and at international conferences, hereunder as keynote speaker, on topics mainly within the area of EU law, property law, law of obligations and marketing law. Henrik is fluent in English, French and German.
Gorrissen Federspiel 2021 -
Partner, Gorrissen Federspiel since 2021
Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union 2015 – 2021
Acting High Court judge, High Court of Eastern Denmark 2015
Danish Consumer Ombudsman 2006 – 2014
Ministry of Justice 1999 – 2006
Legal Adviser to the representative of the Danish Prime Minister during the negotiations for drawing up the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union 1999 – 2000
The General Court of the European Union, Luxembourg 1994 – 1999
Law firm Frue Kirkeplads 4, Aarhus, now Holst law firm 1991 – 1994
Right of audience before the Danish High Court 2022
Admitted to the Danish Bar 1995
LL.M., Collège d'Europe, Brügge, Belgien 1993
Master of Laws, University of Aarhus 1991
English, French, German
Henrik Øe has been rated as 'Recommended Lawyer' in Legal 500.
“Application of State Aid in Tax-Related Matters and Judicial Control of Such Cases, Judicial Review of Competition Cases, Concurrence, Institute of Competition Law", New York 2023 (together with assistant attorney Amalie Ussing).
Co-author of chapter 21, ”Domstolens særlige fortolkningsmetode – og hvordan den adskiller sig fra fortolkning af dansk ret”, Danmark og EU gennem 50 år - en milepæl, Ulla Neergaard (red.), Karsten Engsig Sørensen (red.), 2023.
“Poland vs European Parliament and Council (case C-401/19) – an important clarification of the interaction between Article 17 of the DSM Directive and the fundamental rights of the Charter”, Journal Auteursrecht, Delexmedia, Issue 2022-4, 2022
State aid & Public procurement: an overview of EU and national case law, foreword in Concurrence, e-Competitions Special Issue State aid & Public procurement, August 2022 (co-authored by Martin André Dittmer og Erik Kjær-Hansen).
Transition verte: les investissements intra-UE après l'arrêt Komstroy (C-741/19) – Quel avenir pour le TCE? i L'Observateur de Bruxelles, March 2022, with Pauline Sabouret.
The Application of the European Law of Civil Procedure in the Dialogue Between the CJEU and the National Judges, The 50th Anniversary of the European Law of Civil Procedure, Max Planck Institute, Luxembourg, 2020, page 147 et seq.
La Présomption de causalité dans le cadre de la prévention et de la réparation des dommages sanitaires et environnementaux, L'Europe au présent ! Liber amicorum Melchior Wathelet, 2018, page 647 et seq.., with Camille Dautricourt.
The EU consumer policy framework, Liber amicorum en l'honneur de Bo Vesterdorf, Bruylant, Brussels, 2007.
New Laws: Company Charge, Juristen, 2007, page 23 et seq., with Thorvald Spanggaard.
Previous Experiences with the new Marketing law, Juristen, 2007, page 219 et seq., with Bent Bagge and Andreas Weidemann.
The Danish Consumer Protection Act with comments, DJØF, 2006, with Benedikte Holberg, Lene Pagter Kristensen, Peter Møgelvang-Hansen and Tina Morell Nielsen.
New Laws: Law on certain Consumer Protections, Juristen, 2005, page 27, with Benedikte Holberg.
New Laws: Revision of the Danish Consumer Protection Act, Juristen, 2004, page 256, with Jens Røn.
Author of EU-Karnov, the chapters on competition law and state aid (1999 and 2001) and the chapter on consumer protection of EU (2003 and 2005).
The EU competition law, GADJura, 1998, with Kim Lundgaard Hansen and Lars Kjølbye.
The meaning of the maxim of negotiation and eventuality in questions regarding EU law: when must the judge ex officio include union law? UfR 1996 B, page 395 et seq. with Erik Werlauff.
Human rights in practice at the European Court of Justice, EU-ret & Menneskeret, 1995, page 221, with Bo Vesterdorf.
IP, consumer and marketing law committee of the Danish Bar and Law Society 2023 -
Member of the Advisory Committee of the European Law Institute, Vienna 2014 - 2015
Member of the Advisory Board of JUC 2011 - 2015
Chairman for the first EU joint enforcement action by the European
Commission and the Member States against individual companies within the framework of the CPC Regulation (Regulation (CE) No 2006/2004) 2013 - 2014
Chairman for committee established by the Minister for Justice to prepare the Danish implementation of Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 on consumer rights 2012 - 2013
Adjungeret professor på Juridisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet 2016 - 2021
External examiner at the Faculty of Law of the University of Copenhagen 2009 - 2017
External examiner at the Faculty of Law of Aarhus University 2014 - 2017
External examiner at the Faculty of Law of Aalborg University 2012 - 2015