Henrik Lind's areas of work include commercial advice, legal proceedings, mergers & acquisitions and air law.
Gorrissen Federspiel 1972 -
Partner, Gorrissen Federspiel 1978 - 2012
Clifford Chance, Hong Kong 1987
Holland & Knight, New York 1978
European Commission 1973
Right of audience before the Danish Supreme Court 1984
Master of Comparative Jurisprudence, New York University 1978
Admitted to the Danish Bar 1975
Master of Laws, University of Copenhagen 1972
Henrik Lind is ranked in Who's Who Legal.
Articles/books on aircraft finance, legal opinions, joint ventures, setting up abroad.
International Bar Association (IBA) ;European Air Law Association (EALA)
Association Européenne
Board member:
H+H International A/S
Vice-chairman of the Board:
Danish Lawyers