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Jesper Saugmann

Facility supporter

The Facility team is the heart of the firm’s infrastructure – even if you don’t think about it every day.

As part of the Facility team, I have many different roles during the day. The team and I begin the day by opening our emails to see if there are any tasks requiring urgent attention. Then we distribute newspapers and mail to the recipients in the firm. We also handle various shipments, both parcels and courier shipments to the firm during the day.

In addition, my job consists of many different logistics tasks, from ordering interior to, for instance, preparing workstations for new employees or employees moving to another office. This may include setting up chairs, computer screens and other furniture and equipment. I also help packaging offices for the colleagues who take leave or are on secondment – and, of course, unpacking again when they return. There’s always a flow of tasks. Recently, a colleague and I moved a new giant screen undamaged from the underground parking garage and into a meeting room at the top of the building. Tasks of this nature require a little creative thinking and extra planning.

You could say that the Facility team is the heart of the firm’s infrastructure. My colleagues and I are the ones that make many things happen – especially the things that you don’t think about. We help with all sorts of practical tasks like arranging the set-up for meetings, printing, filing, distribution of mail and parcels, collection and stamping of mail and many other tasks.

We’re almost always on the move, but in our team we also take the time to meet up for a chat about our day. We’re always met with a smile, and my colleagues and I are appreciated in the firm.


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